Using built-in APIs

TAO offers a way to export and import data from a TAO instance, as well as create new data for it, without having to start up the TAO user interface. This is done using REST APIs. REST APIs use HTTP requests to access and use data. They can be used to read, update, create and delete data on your TAO instance.

The REST APIs available in TAO cover operations concerning:

They can be viewed and executed via, which will lead you through the process, prompting you where necessary for the information required to execute the API.

Note: The usage of REST APIs requires technical knowledge, and they are designed for users such as (web) developers. It is necessary to have a minimal technical background, including knowledge of javascript and common API practises, to be able to use them.


The APIs available for carrying out operations involving test items (i.e. those using the extension extension-tao-itemqti) can be found here:


The APIs available for carrying out operations involving tests (i.e. those using the extension extension-tao-testqti) can be found here:


The APIs available for carrying out operations involving deliveries (i.e. those using the extension extension-tao-delivery) can be found here:

Deliveries using LTI

The APIs available for carrying out operations involving deliveries with LTI (i.e. those using the extension extension-tao-ltideliveryprovider) can be found here: and


The APIs available for carrying out operations involving results (i.e. those using the extension extension-tao-outcome) can be found here:

OAT can provide training to developers on how to use these APIs if required. Please contact the training team for further information.